Sunday, August 23, 2020
President John F. Kennedy Essay Example For Students
President John F. Kennedy Essay There is something in particular about John F. Kennedy. Might it be able to be his mystique and appeal that despite everything passages America? Possibly it is his raised status as a mainstream society symbol that stuns most American residents. It may be the saint status he achieved through his disastrous death that makes American culture adore him as a President. Whatever the explanation is that characterizes John F. Kennedy as likely one of the most darling Presidents in American History; one suspicion by many is that it has nothing to do with his political heritage. Many regarded students of history will reveal to you that he has a pitiful political inheritance. Utilizing the collection of enactment that was sat back in office as proof, students of history state that huge enactment was deficient. More than likely they will comment about his accentuation on talk and his inadequate activity. Then again, numerous history specialists and journalists battle his political inheritance resonates right up 'til the present time. They guarantee that through his authority of that novel mode of his day, Television, his incorporation of culture into the workplace of President, and above all else his vision, echoes in todays political climate. Altogether, the last contention is really tronger. In spite of the fact that JFK lacks considerable enactment that would reinforce a case to a noteworthy political inheritance, in different ways John F. Kennedy has such an extraordinary political heritage, that right up 'til the present time the Presidency of the United States can't get away from it. In regard to genuinely stupendous enactment, John F. Kennedy does need and along these lines the individuals who state he doesn't have a genuine political heritage have a point. These pundits accept a genuine political heritage is in what the President has achieved administratively in the White House. With Kennedy, they state he was more talk than activity. They do yield it was not really never really absence of activity. He had numerous proposition, but since he was managing a Congress that was exceptionally solid and made out of a Southern Democrats/Republican larger part, he made some hard memories. (Kilpatrick, 51) So recommendations like government help to training, the formation of a Department of Urban Affairs, and Medicare were killed. (Kilpatrick, 53). To scrounge up help for them, Kennedy needed to persuade general society and addition their help. That is the place Kennedys well known talk comes in. The discussion may have later driven the American open to help the referenced roposals in the Johnson years, however in JFKs years they don't did anything yet make his faultfinders state he was a great deal of talk and no activity. However John F. Kennedy had some huge enactment went through Congress, and even completed achievements around Congress back. One accomplishment is when John F. Kennedy framed the Peace Corps. (Sorensen, 256) Another was the giving of government backing to expressions of the human experience, which was done through official requests. (Kilpatrick, 54) Financially, his tax reduction resounds in the approach of previous President Reagan. Truth be told, while counting the proposals Kennedy sent to the 87th Congress, of the 107 he sent 73 were sanctioned into law, with measures managing water contamination, psychological well-being care, clinic development, mental impediment, sedate security and clinical schools. (Manchester, 227) In all out, his greatest accomplishment was not in what was cultivated, yet what was proposed. The pundits may accept that passed enactment is the main marker of political heritage, yet truly what is proposed can have significant impacts. His proposition on Medicare and projects like it may have lead to nothing in his term, yet they came to fulfillment in later Presidencies. .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .postImageUrl , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:hover , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:visited , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:active { border:0!important; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:active , .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1 0a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u10a88d5e0143dc836f0347827e4c6057:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Succeed EssayTruthfully, one can't state a man doesn't have a political inheritance on the off chance that he had proposed thoughts, however they had not been passed, since those recommendations can profoundly impact later Congresses and Presidents through their thoughts and understanding into issues. One way President Kennedy has a genuine political heritage is in his utilization of Television in his battle for in the Presidential Election of 1960. A while ago when Kennedy ran, it was an underutilized instrument. Kennedy drew out its latent capacity. Through TV, he had the option to introduce himself to tremendous c rowds that he would never have reached. Kennedy abused the TV ebate, first utilized in that political race. Kennedy had balance, while likewise looking tanned and all around rested, while his adversary, Richard Nixon, was debilitated and looked horrendous. A while later, during his administration Kennedy adequately used the new medium to further his potential benefit. He was the contemporary man, as he was called by Adlai Stevenson after Kennedys passing. This was depicted through TV in his essentialness and youth. (Schlesinger, 12) It was said by William Manchester, Newspapermen and correspondents announced the advancement of the new organization enthusiastically. The broadcast news gatherings were colossally well known. Recalling his first discussion with Nixon, Jack turned into the main President to perceive and abuse the conceivable outcomes of TV. (Manchester, 135) His family turned into a focal point of open intrigue. Everybody needed to know the name of his little girls pony or his children most recent caper. The TV transformed the presidential family into a small scale drama, changing the manner in which the Presidency would be taken a gander at after it. (Manchester, 250) This use of TV is seen today, from nonstop inclusion of the president on TV, to the media firestorm that encompassed President Clinton during the Lewinsky embarrassment. President Clinton is a side-effect of this use of TV. He is a TV friendly individual who has utilized his dominance of the medium viably to persuade voters to decide in favor of him. He additionally says that his object of worship President is John F. Kennedy. All through the majority of Americas history, the President needed to speak to the plebeian to be chosen. That generally implied showing up normal person then the conventional individual. In any case, John. F. Kennedy didn't conceal his adoration for the high-life. He thought outside the box and welcomed the crã ¨me de la crã ¨me to the White House, and engaged them with craftsmen, artists, researchers, artists, and researchers. The visitors would eat gourmet ood, and afterward perhaps observe an artful dance troupe perform, or maybe they saw a Shakespeare organization stage a play. Whatever it was, JFK penniless new political ground, changing the impression of a President from an ordinary person to an erudite person. (Manche ster, 156). John F. Kennedy was a man of optimism, and his vision changed the political scene. He held that issues are man-made, and can be hence comprehended by man. (Kennedy, 2) He was man who accepted things of greatness could be accomplished, regardless of the fact that they are so difficult to achieve. (Sorenson, 256) Kennedy accepted that it was the job of the President to gnite trust in fairness, correspondence, reason and harmony. (Sorenson, 257) In a discourse at American University in 1963, President Kennedy stated: What kind a harmony do we look for? Not a Pax Americana implemented on he world by American weapons of war. Not the tranquility of the grave or the security of a slave. I am discussing real harmony, the sort of harmony that makes life on earth worth living, the benevolent that empowers men and countries to develop and to trust and to fabricate a superior life for their youngsters not just harmony for Americans yet harmony for all people not only harmony presently yet harmon y forever. Kennedy, 1) This sort of hopeful world vision that Kennedy was known for motivated millions, with him growing a dependable after of the more youthful age of the time. He advised his kindred Americans to reevaluate their perspectives towards harmony and opportunity. (Kennedy, 6) .ub34c3233451b971d6ab1f9cbb6ffbebc , .ub34c3233451b971d6ab1f9cbb6ffbebc .postImag
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pertuzumab Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pertuzumab - Literature survey Example This is empowered by the F-10 authoritative to the illusory of the IgGI that to a great extent influences epidermal extension. Be that as it may, during the extraction procedure, pertuzumab experiences certain stages. To begin with, through the dimerization procedure that encourages epidermal development, HER flagging courses are initiated. It infers that the HER2 is blended in with toxicants and different variations that are found in the monoclonal counter acting agent (MAb). The cloning procedure, subsequently, happens during the restraint of tumors through HER dimerization. Contrastingly, the extraction procedure ought to coordinate both the structures of extracellular area and the epidermal development factor (EGF) that is instrumental in continuing the capacity of pertuzumab (Franklin et al., 2005). Another method of extraction is using ErB2 that lessens higher metastatic potential and tumor development rates by means of remedial methodologies. Decontamination is the last procedure of acquiring a total dose of pertuzumab and is described by the topsy-turvy unit of changing areas. The atomic supplanting is similarly interrelated with the monoclonal neutralizer pertuzumab that is solidified for solvency purposes and making of reinforced modules. By and large, the administration of destructive cells requires the consideration (EGF) antigens that are perfect with the individual accepting treatment (Jatoi and Kaufmann,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Common Theme :: essays research papers
Abstract works have groundbreaking messages covered up inside their pages that have the ability to show a thing or two. During the second 50% of the school year, we examined a heap of books and plays, be that as it may, in spite of their disparities in plot and characters-the works shared a general topic practically speaking. Each work finds and describes the worldwide subject of expectation in an unexpected way. à à à à à In The Lottery, the characters can't help contradicting a lethal custom yet tail it since they are apprehensive and will be chastised. From the start there is some obstruction from the family who gets the dark ticket however at long last there is no encounter. The characters never work together and join a group to do anything against the custom yet they trust that one day the town seniors will see how silly this demonstration they hold so truly to their souls is. à à à à à A Catcher in the Rye, a novel clarifying the nadir of an obscure youngster, delineates trust in light of the fact that Holden Caufield is stuck in his very own universe that he wishes to escape. In the start of the novel, Holden tells Mr. Spencer that he feels stuck in his own reality and that he needs to split away however canââ¬â¢t force himself to do it. Holden shrouds his hankering to be a piece of the typical world by saying that everybody is fake. He trusts that one day heââ¬â¢ll be acknowledged and comprehended by the world for what his identity is. Be that as it may, Holden takes this subject to one more advance; he finds support toward the end. Holden sees a psychoanalyst and thusly he valiantly looks at without flinching of his concern. à à à à à In Death of a Salesman the subject of expectation is discovered through Willyââ¬â¢s endeavor to accomplish the American Dream and to treat his family with valor. Biff shows this topic by trusting that one day his family will love one another and be glad for him like they used to be. Arthur Miller needs his perusers to get that in the event that they take a stab at something it can earnestly materialize. On the off chance that Biff and Willy set aside their disparities for one minute and worked things out-without getting unreasonable they would have been returned to typical. What the dad and child pair doesnââ¬â¢t acknowledge is that the two of them would like to coexist with one another however they never talk about it so it doesnââ¬â¢t happen.
Tropical Areas in Florida Essay -- Tropics
The Trouble with Tropics Florida, in the same way as other tropical regions, has two seasons: the wet season and the dry season. During the wet season (June through October), water is ample, gardens develop green, ranchers develop their yields and children wakeboard in the recreation center. In any case, obviously, flooding is an issue. In the dry season (seven months: November through May), grass turns as earthy colored as a desert shrubbery. The wellspring of Floridaââ¬â¢s water is the Lake Toho/Kissimmee River/Lake Okeechobee framework, and the degree of the lake framework rises and falls between the seasons. At low levels during the dry season, Florida inhabitants must be careful to save water and creatures are left to fight for themselves. Water assets can possibly be impractical without the board. Florida water assets change, so life can be troublesome. The South Florida Water Management Region was made to keep up manageability of Florida water assets. Today, sightseers stay with the delightful tropical atmosphere of Floridaââ¬â¢s sea shores, natural life, and palm trees. South Florida wasnââ¬â¢t generally so perfect. Florida used to be an a lot soggier swampland. Mosquitoes were copious to the point, that some early pioneers of the zone kidded that they should be the state feathered creature. On account of Floridaââ¬â¢s level geology, precipitation was the determinant factor in each feature of South Floridaââ¬â¢s environment.1 After a huge downpour, water would remain in floodplains and stream from waterway to stream like water in an ice plate without waterways or dams to control the progression of tempest waters. Standing water would stay for a considerable length of time or months leaving ailment and water harm behind.1 During the dry season, cultivating got troublesome. Dry seasons were normal and yields and steers would thirst without a solid wellspring of ... front/territories/coral.htm. 6. Office and Infrastructure Location Index Map. May 2002. South Florida Water Management District. 7. Wetland Wildlife. 8 Dec. 2004. College of Florida. 8. Land Management Annual Report. 2003. South Florida Water Management District. 9. Natural Restoration Efforts. South Florida Water Management District. 10. Focal and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Review Study (Restudy) Update and Foundation. July 1999. 11. ACCELER8 Everglades Now. South Florida Water Management District.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
The Health Care Act Which Protects The Rights Of The Patients - 825 Words
The Health Care Act Which Protects The Rights Of The Patients (Essay Sample) Content: Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActStudents NameInstitutional AffiliationHealthcare policies are those decisions that are taken so as to achieve a particular goal in the healthcare that is incorporated in the society. A healthcare policy is used to determine the vision of the health industry and also put targets that will serve as a reference tool when making decisions, implementing change and also when taking actions on certain issues. President Barrack Obama introduced The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) which would give the patients the rights and protections and also give affordable healthcare and ensuring that the services are of quality.When The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010, anyone who had an insurance or a health plan would continue to work with it if the insurance company was willing to continue providing. Anyone who wanted coverage after the policy was enacted had to follow the given new standards. In June 2010, ther e was reinsurance of the retiree health benefit plans which would give money to the employee plans which were already in the plan.In July, a Pre-Existing Condition Insurance plan was designed so that health insurance can be available to everyone despite their backgrounds or disparities in September 2010Medicare. In October 2010, a government website was formed so that people can search about health insurance companies and also the available health care plans. The law was also amended so that the insurers were allowed to include preexisting conditions in the plan's coverage. (Silvers, 2011).The policy has the goal of ensuring that the citizens can access quality, culturallyCompetent healthcare to every American. The Act has brought up issues of ethics of justice where every person is expected to benefit from the policy. The provisions of the policy are usually expected to give quality healthcare for the many where they do not have to sacrifice their basic rights. The value of providi ng quality healthcare gives the health care providers a responsibility of being ethical and maintaining professionalism where they will ensure that there are efficiency and effectiveness in the healthcare services. There are also issues that surround the peoples freedom of choice so that they are able to choose the type of healthcare services that they need. They will say that the policy that the policy enacts social injustice where the people are not treated with moral equal concern. This is because people have different cultures and also believes that surround the healthcare practices hence by giving a policy that deprives this brings out social-ethical issues. (Sorrell, 2012).There is a group of Americans that think that the policy disenfranchises them. Most of these are the opposition who nicknamed the policy, Obama care. This is caused by misinterpretation of the law where they think that the government is in control of the healthcare industry. However, the Act tries to provide access and also efficiency in the Providence health care services. They will claim that the government is trying to make personal decisions for them whereas they will be able to have subsidiaries only the fact that there are requirements. There are also claims that the government is spending much which may lead to an increase in the government debts. However, the long-term goals of the Act include lowering the government expenditures by making reasonable goals and target budgets over the long-term period of time. (Sorrell, 2012).The target population of the policy includes the whole population of the country including children and the elderly. It has ensured that there is a reduction in the number of people who are uninsured. The policy also targets low-income populations who could not afford the insurance plans before the Act was implemented.The Affordable Care Act was enacted in March 2010 with an aim of increasing the number of Americans who had health insurance. There have been changes that were implemented between 2010 and 2015 which targeted the noninsured population of the elderly. The gains in the coverage have been increasing over the years leaving a minimum population uninsured. Up to 2015 about 19.2 million Americans had gained coverage thus accounting for the change in the size and composition of the population. The Act has been regulated by the government where everyone is expected to have the PCIP coverage. (Silvers, 2011).When cost effectiveness is improved, there is a quality improvement in the service in question. The policy made changes in the tax policies regarding health care, insurance coverage, affordability and also the access to insurance. Even though the policy is making health care accessible and affordable to all, there are still costs that accrue to it. The policy usually costs $393 for each individual and $1021 for each family that is not receiving any subsidies. These costs have been increasing over the years up to 2017. At the natio...
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Needs Assessment Essay Example For Free At Magic Help - Free Essay Example
Introduction Changing business needs and industry trends affect all businesses. Some businesses prosper, whiles others barely survive, and many still, close their doors forever. Competitive and adaptive advantages are tools that organisation teams must master to increase their chances of survival. Comprehensive needs analysis increases both competitive and adaptive advantages. Strategic planning is a complex process, especially, when data collection is necessary for success. External data collection adds another layer of complexity to the planning process. There are no guarantees that the data will yield positive results for the decision making process. However, taking precautionary measures, organisations can increase the potential for collecting valuable data. Comprehensive data collection and analysis provides a tool whereby the information collection adds value for the organisation. Surveys, interviews, group discussions, task analysis, performance appraisals, observations, incidental procedures, performance analysis, and external scans each tell a story of the information collected via those mediums. Hence, it is imperative for the experts conducting data collection and comprehensive needs analysis be well versed in their craft if they are to improve existing business con ditions. The research conducted herein presents a comprehensive needs analysis for the The-Second-Greatest-Company Corporation. Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Education and employee development is imperative to any organisation. The planning of education and training does not apply to new hires alone, managers and supervisors are equally valued within the organisation. Organisations must ensure that the training and development process is not just a matter of training, but rather to enhance productivity, improve interactive communications, and increase overall return on investments for stakeholders. Hence, all education and training plans must begin with the goals and objectives of the organisation at the forefront of employee development initiatives. Company Background This document represents a comprehensive needs analysis conducted on behalf of The-Second-Greatest-Company Inc. (a fictional organisation modeled after a real one; additionally, relevant industry information is factual). The-Second-Greatest-Company is a women owned interior design business started by three college students. The students became friends after taking an art course together. They envisioned an online interior design business that suggested design layouts for college dorms. The-Second-Greatest-Company Inc. receives orders for interior designs via the internet, as well as, their artwork. Interior designs are reasonably priced beginning at ninety-nine dollars for a single dorm. Prices increase with the space size. The business blossomed enough to catch the attention of venture capitalists (this information from the real company, 2015). Current Literature Cekada (2010) discusses an example of an employee who accidentally trips over a bucket. The management team immediately suggests more training. But Cekada (2010) questions that motion. Is it actually necessary to conduct training or could other precautions have been taken to avoid slips and trips? Cekada (2010) suggests that not all issues are training related and cautions against using training where none is necessary. Rothwell and Kazanas (2003) discuss the different levels of CNA. The first level is conducted for strategic planning purposes. The second relates to coordinative purposes. The third concerns operational needs. Hence, they stress importance in identifying where the needs exist at the different levels. According to Bresciani (2010), data informs the planning process. The information can be converged with environmental information and forecasts for resource planning and policy creations. Bresciani (2010) asserts that the data collection process is not a decision replacement process. It is the data that drives the decision making processes (Bresciani, 2010). KÃÆ'Ã ¤rkkÃÆ'Ã ¤inen, Piippo, Puumalainen, and Tuominen (2001) recommend that companies maintain a vision to the future to meet client demands. They believe that companies should continuously plan to exceed clients expectations with better services and life enhancing products. They posit further that companies must remain proactive in seeking hidden opportunities early in business initiatives. KÃÆ'Ã ¤rkkÃÆ'Ã ¤inen, Piippo, Puumalainen, and Tuominen (2001) suggest that CNA processes must include assessment tools and strategies that highlight unrecognized customer needs. KÃÆ'Ã ¤rkkÃÆ'Ã ¤inen, Piippo, Puumalainen, and Tuominen (2001) conducted their study with the new customer (p. 393) in mind. They wanted to demonstrate that contrary to popular belief, customers do not have the foresight to know what their future needs are. KÃÆ'Ã ¤rkkÃÆ'Ã ¤inen, Piippo, Puumalainen, a nd Tuominen (2001) found that the clarification experience for determining new customer needs benefitted the participants (various organisation, different industries) by approximately eighty-five percent. As a result, KÃÆ'Ã ¤rkkÃÆ'Ã ¤inen, Piippo, Puumalainen, and Tuominen (2001) also found that the companies felt the needs assessment tools helped them increase new customer awareness by forty percent. Purpose of CNA The purpose of this comprehensive needs analysis (CNA) was to collect relevant information with the intent of providing recommendations for business improvement. Included herein is an environmental scan (ES) that serves a dual purpose. The first purpose intends to provide interior design industry awareness. The second purpose is to gather information on business competencies. Finally, training and development recommendations are provided. Rothwell and Kazanas (2003) discuss CNA as an investigative process necessary to determine where business deficiencies and competency weaknesses exist, and thereafter, devise a plan for corrective action. Cekada (2011) discusses training assessments from a capital and resource return on investments perspective. He considers that properly allocated resources will yield returns and vice versa. Shipley and Golden (2013) recommend using the CNAs to identify gaps and resolve them with appropriate training initiatives. Muller and Roberts (2010) recom mend looking at impending issues and deficiencies from multiple perspectives with the intent to identify problems which can be resolved without training and development initiatives. Data Collection Data collection is about information value that translates into desired changes (Rothwell Kazanas, 2003). The information value comes from evaluating ways to apply different methodologies for desired changes. The collection process should bring to light the knowledge or skills necessary to implement changes. Rothwell and Kazanas (2003) recommend using multiple data collection methodologies. Lundberg, Elderman, Ferrell, and Harper (2010) advise caution when collecting data because no process can be one hundred percent correct. They argue that people respond with assumptions when they do not have an appropriate answer. Lundberg, Elderman, Ferrell, and Harper (2010) emphasize further that the potential for data redundancy remains ever-present. Bresciani (2010) advises discretion to ensure the process enhances strategic planning process not eliminate activities in it. Data collection methods used: Interviews provided insight into the client base, services offered, sales process lifecycle, design process, and what the ownership team expected from freelance designs, as well as, what they offered potential freelancers to join their team. Interviews with the management team identified management relevant requests concerning their learning and talent development needs. Surveys from clients identified service gaps, client levels of satisfaction with the services rendered, client opinions on the quality of service provided, and other services clients would like to have in the future. Surveys taken from college students (major clientele) provided their opinions on the future of the interior design industry, number of times they used interior design services in a full year, their thoughts on carefree interior design services. Surveys were taken to identify demographic information that will further advance the growth of the company. Observations provided information on the status of the interior design industry. Task analysis identified the actual interior design and sales process lifecycle, as well as the actions required to complete a sale. Task analysis was conducted to examine the freelance design process. Advisory Committee formed includes four employees, one senior manager, and consultants to gather ongoing talent development information. Performance documents assessed individual and team production. Industry Scan provided information on competitors. Two competitors have inferior websites (Decorator, 2015; Homeblue, 2015), hence, giving The-Second-Greatest-Company a higher ranking website. Ibisworld (2015) suggests that the industry is expected to grow at approximately four percent within the coming year. Ibisworld (2015) also predicts positive upward growth for the industry. Analysis During the year 2014, the interior design industry experienced downtime as a result of the recession, economy anomalies, and financial instabilities (Ibisworld, 2015). Current business trends indicate that business will blossom in the next five years. Data analysis indicates that the company is interested in expansion opportunities. Survey analysis indicates that clients are satisfied with the services provided, however, they are interested in follow-up services. Data collection indicates that the ownership team will benefit from leadership development. The team lacks extensive industry and business expansion knowledge. Task analysis shows that freelancers will benefit from sales development skills. The-Second-Greatest-Company team (owners freelancers) could benefit from networking skills to grow their businesses and take advantage of the predicted industry boom. Data collection also indicated that confusion existed with current freelancers who were not sure that sales were something they needed to engage in. The freelancers feel that they are artists and designers. As a result, they cannot see how gaining sales training will benefit them. It is suggested that business development workshops are conducted to help the freelance designers understand how they can see themselves as sales people who enhance the lives of their clients. Summary of Results The-Second-Greatest-Company Corporation desires to become an industry leader within ten years. Crossley, Cooper, and Wernsing (2013) suggest becoming and remaining proactive in the achievement of leadership goals. Crossley, Cooper, and Wernsing (2013) affirm the complexity of remaining in leadership positions for long. They recommend devising plans that coordinate and direct activities towards achieving leadership goals. The The-Second-Greatest-Company organisation could benefit from interpersonal communication skills. Perry and Losman (2012) stress the importance of effective communication skills for information exchange. As this company continues to evolve the communication process will greatly enhance their understanding of the industry, their customers, and amongst themselves. Perry and Losman (2012) assert there is great value in improving communication skills because the potential for miscommunication decreases and productivity increases. The ownership team will benefit from team and leadership development. Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan, and Switzler (2013) discuss the inevitably of relying upon others to transact business. They assert that no one can work alone and that opportunities must be present to allow for the development of abilities in working as a team. Grenny, Patterson, Maxfield, McMillan, and Switzler (2013) posit further the organisation success depends upon experts working in concert with one another to complete projects. Industry is following a positive upward growth at approximately four percent per year. Silber and Kearny (2010) use the recession of 2009 to demonstrate that organisations cannot operate in a vacuum. They posit that economic crisis are not the only reason to remain industry aware, but also because competitors will always look for ways to put you out of business. Silber and Kearny (2010) state that the only industry that appears to do well at the worst recessions, is the alcohol industry, where year-to-date-sales in 2009 were almost double those of previous years (p. 41). The freelance team shows a gap in sales skills. They lack the ability to close sales faster. The lack of sales knowledge interferes with freelancer ability increase sales quotas. Stein (2011) suggest that sales alone will not get the sale, but the ability to use a combination of interpersonal and communicative skills for success. He suggests that clients are high tech and navigate the internet to compare products, services, and prices. Thereby, making the sales process significantly complex. The Advisory Committee is expected to meet once weekly to develop the training plans and continue scanning the environment for changes. Rothwell and Kazanas (2003) advise that advisory committees work similar to strategic committees because they serve the same purpose of identifying weaknesses and strengths in the education and development plans. Advisory committees can compare current plans to future expectations and set relevant priorities. The advisory committee role in the development process can never be overstated (Rothwell and Kazanas, 2003). Implications for The-Second-Greatest-Company Management Action The Above Examples Might Suggest the Following Implications: The-Second-Greatest-Company managements team must meet to discuss budget factors that influence the training process further. The-Second-Greatest-Company managements team, Advisory Committee, and Consultants must agree upon the talent development specifics and a time line of delivery. References Bresciani, M. J. (2010). Data-driven planning: Using assessment in strategic planning. New Directions for Student Services, (132), pp.39-50. Cekada, T. L. (2010). Training needs assessments: Understanding what employees need to know. Professional Safety. pp. 28-33. Cekada, T. L. (2011). Need training?: Conducting an effective needs assessment. Professional Safety, pp. 28-34. Crossley, C. D., Cooper, C. D., Wernsing, T. S. (2013). Making things happen through challenging goals: Leader proactivity, trust, and business-unit performance. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
An Abstract View of Death in Mrs.Dalloway and The Hours...
An Abstract View of Death in Mrs.Dalloway and The Hours Works Cited Missing In Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours contradictory and almost altered views of death are presented. Virginia Woolf and Michael Cunningham portray death as escape for some, but an entrapment for others. It is no longer treated as a subject to worry about or fear, which society now views it as. A line from Shakespeares Cymbeline, Fear no more the heat o the sun / Nor the furious winter rages, sums up what the authors of Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours are trying to convey. Meaning that death is not something to fear, and life should be lived to the fullest. The thought of death streamlines through several charactersâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Evans answered from behind the tree. The dead were in Thessaly, Evans sang, among the orchids. There they waited till the War was over, and now the dead, now Evans himself - (Woolf 70). Richard Brown, however, is slowly dying of AIDS. He is a writer whos about to receive an award for his work. Most notably was a novel he wrote about the death of his mother, Laura Brown, who abandoned him at a young age. His medications are giving him a similar reaction to time and reality as Septimus had. This point is illustrated when Clarissa Vaughan goes to visit Richard on her way back from getting flowers. Richard says, Sorry. I seem to keep thinking things have already happened. When you asked if I remembered about the party and the ceremony, I thought you meant, did I remember having gone to them. And I did remember. I seem to have fallen out of time (Cunningham 62). There were alternate reasons for suicide in each characters case. Septimus would have lived even though he was clinically insane, but he committed suicide for relief and a sense of freedom. His death meant that he no longer had to deal with his illness which was a burden to him and his wife, Rezia. Richard suicide was based more on his illness. He knew that he was eventually going to die from his disease. But there are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rwandan Genocide Essay - 2147 Words
For years, Rwanda has been a hotbed of racial tension. The majority of the Rwandan population is made up of Hutus, with Tutsis making up the rest of it. Ever since European colonial powers entered the country and favoured the Tutsi ethnic group over the Hutu by putting Tutsi people in all important positions in society, there has been a decisive political divide between the two groups. This favouring of the Tutsi over the Hutu, and the Hutu subjugation as an ethnic lower class resulted in the civil war and revolution of 1959, where the Hutu overthrew the Tutsi dominated government, and resulted in Rwanda gaining their independence in 1962. However, tension remained between the two ethnic groups, with a civil war raging between theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda was a mission designed to help carry-out the conditions set forth in the Arusha Accords, which were signed in 1993, with the purpose of ending the Rwandan Civil War. The UN was aware of the situation in Rwanda, and the tension between the two ethnic groups, well before the genocide was committed. After April 6th, with the death of the president and the ensuing call-to-arms, one of the first victims of the genocide was the Prime Minister, and her bodyguard of 10 Belgian UN commandos. The mission the UN soldiers were deployed on did not have sufficiently provide instructions regarding whether they could use force retaliate to fighting, so they surrendered their weapons to presidential troops when asked, only to then be captured, tortured and murdered at the enemies compound. As a result, the Belgian government and o ther contingents of the UNAMIR called for the immediate withdrawal of all troops. Out of the original 2,500 troops, Lieutenant-General Romeo Dallaire stayed behind with only 270 UNAMIR soldiers to assist the Tutsi people. A request for immediate reinforcements of 5,000 troops was sent out by Lieutenant-General Dallaire, which was denied by the UN. Eventually, on 17th May 1994, the UNSC agreed to deliver 5,500 troops and other much-needed equipment to the UNAMIR troops. The UN troops focused on evacuating foreign nationals, andShow MoreRelatedThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay1711 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved members of the Hutu mass killing Tutsi and Tutsi sympathizers who were Hutu. The genocide resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people, majority Tutsi. The separation of classes came from Belgian internationals creating the two ethnic classes and giving power to the Tutsi who were taller and had lighter skin, and generally appeared more European. In response to this, after the country gained independence from Belgium, Hutu extremists gatheredRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1654 Words à |à 7 PagesMiranda Shearer Mrs. Sohal/ Mrs. Love Period 3 17 October 2014 The Rwandan Genocide A genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a group of people, especially of a certain ethnicity. By that definition and almost any other a dictionary could define, the killing of the Tutsis was certainly a genocide.The Rwandan Genocide occurred in 1994, in an African country called Rwanda. A long history of building friction between the Hutus and the Tutsis undeniably caused the mass murder of over 800,000Read MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide1421 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Rwanda Genocide was an unfortunate case where thousands of deaths could have been prevented, but because of irresponsibility and selfishness of global governmentsââ¬â¢ innocent lives were lost. The Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and was, ââ¬Å"initiated by the Hutu political elite and extremists and its military support, their prime targets were the Tutsi, as well as Hutu moderates.â⬠(Hain 2) The Hutu made up majority of the population and government officials and enforced a government-ass isted militaryRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide Essay959 Words à |à 4 PagesThe problems of today can often be traced in the beginnings of yesterday. The Rwandan Genocide was a divisive division of two groups that culminated in the mass murder of nearly 500,000 Rwandans, three-fourths of the population. The tactful subterfuge by the ruling party fueled the separation of two ethnic groups that reminisce the events in Europe 55 years earlier. Naturally, the question becomes, how? Simply speaking it was the indifference of global elites and political demagoguery that incitedRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide866 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Rwandan genocide occurred during the period of April to July of 1994. This genocide was as a result of the Hutu ethnic majority slaughtering the Tutsi minority. During this period as much as 800,000 Tutsis were killed. The genocide was started by Hutu extremists in the capital of Kigali and the genocide soon spread across the country. Despi te all of this there were several survivors of the genocide. Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of those people. Immaculee Ilibagiza was born in 1972. She is theRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide1335 Words à |à 5 PagesRwanda is a country made up of a population with three ethnic communities, the two main communities, the Hutu and Tutsi and an additional community of Twa (or pygmies) who all spoke the same language, Kinyarwanda or Rwandan (Clapham, 1998). There is a stereotype of appearance attributed to these two main communities, with Tutsi being seen as tall and having an aquiline shaped nose, and the Hutu as being short and flat-nosed (Clapham, 1998). In the pre-colonial state of Rwanda, it was the TutsisRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide2458 Words à |à 10 PagesGenocide has been plaguing the world for hundreds of years. Millions of innocent lives have been taken all for the sake of prejudice. One of the most atrocious aspects of genocide is that a large percentage of them are sponsored by the state in which they are taking place. Over the years scholars have studied just wha t motivates a state to engage in such awful behavior. What motivates them? Why would they do such horrendous things to their own citizens? Is it solely for some economic incentive, orRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay2042 Words à |à 9 Pagespeople that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. Itââ¬â¢s our evolutionary historyâ⬠(James Lovelock). According to the Oxford dictionary, genocide is defined as ââ¬Å"the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.â⬠Although it may be hard to believe, genocides have occurred all over the world and all throughout time. There have been well documented genocides such as the Holocaust. Additionally, there have also been genocides that have barelyRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide1188 Words à |à 5 PagesRwandan Genocide The Rwandan Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and lasted for about 100 days (History). The two groups involved, the Hutus and Tutsis, were in a massive conflict after their president was killed. The Hutus brutally killed about 800,000 Tutsis and supporters. This tragic genocide was not stopped by other countries during its peak, leaving the world wondering why. As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, it is important to be informed about the tragedy. The wayRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1637 Words à |à 7 PagesWith over eight hundred thousand to one million deaths, the Rwandan genocide is undoubtedly one of the most sad and shocking examples of the lack of intervention by not only the US and the UN, but by other countries as well. The ongoing tensions between the Hutu, the largest population in Rwanda, and the Tutsi, the smaller and more elite population is what eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The killings began quickly after President Habyarimana s plane was shot down. After hundreds of thousands
Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Imp Of The Perverse
Mariana Falossi Professor Oââ¬â¢Brien LTEN 176 November 8 2017 The Imp of the Perverse American writer and critique Edgar Allan Poe is very well known for his gothic tales of mystery, suspense, and horror. While his impressive collection of work carry thrilling themes of fear, death, and tragedy, Poeââ¬â¢s work goes beyond the purpose of literary entertainment and revealing his own inner demons. His writing may be heavily influenced by his own dark and tragic experiences and losses, but it also reveals unique characteristics of the disturbing nature of all people in general. One of these characteristics is explained in his short murderous tale The Imp of the Perverse. This tale explains how a significant part of human nature is driven byâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"In the consideration of the faculties and impulses -- of the prima mobilia of the human soul, the phrenologists have failed to make room for a propensity which, although obviously existing as a radical, primitive, irreducible sentiment, has been equally overlooked by all the moralists who have preceded themâ⬠(____) The narrator explains how this is a failure which leaves room for error, and believes that root of impulsive behavior leading people to experience perversion for example is prima mobilia, which is in fact a part of the soul. He defines perversion as the impulse of doing something counterintuitive to to self help. Overall the idea of acting on impulse was not being studied and ignored. The narrator feels strongly that people should study and understand all sides of man, and especially the perverse side. He believes that the way men live should be based on nature rather than how they ââ¬Å"should be living.â⬠This is not to say that men should commit murder, rather simply understand what they are capable of and to explain the natural desire to do so. ââ¬Å"It would have been wiser, it would have been safer, to classify (if classify we must) upon the basis of what man usually or occasionally did, and was always occasionally doin g, rather than upon the basis of what we took it for granted the Deity intended him to do)____) Idealistically people
Sociology Role of Women in Judaism and Christianity
Question: Dsicuss about theSociologyfor Role of Women in Judaism and Christianity. Answer: Introduction In the various religions of the world, different perspectives are held by each religion on the role of women in the society (Bach 2013). On investigating through the cultural changes between the religions, both similarities and deviations can be noticed in the role of women. The viewpoint of women has changed considerably , than what it was before. The orthodox beliefs and practices against women has been reduced to a considerate level. Judaism and Christianity are the two major religions of the world. Judaism is an ancient religion which is monotheistic in nature. Their holy book is Torah whereas, their beliefs , history and traditions are all recorded in the Hebrew Bible (Balkin, Watts and Ali 2014). Christianity is the worlds most popular religion which holds the highest population in the world. It is an old religion with the Bible as the holy Bible. There is a noticeable transformation between the change in traditional beliefs and practices with respect to the role of women in these two religions (Brouwer 2013). The aim of this essay is to analyse these noticeable changes that would help in knowing the different viewpoints regarding the role of women in the society, based on the beliefs of these two religions. Role of Women in Judaism The role of women in Judaism is considered by the Hebrew Bible , by custom beliefs and by some non religious factors. According to the old beliefs, as mentioned in the Bible, women in Judaism were not allowed for public appearance (Desai, Chugh and Brief 2014). Though there are various exceptions to the various prophetess and other important figures in earlier times, where there was no objection against their free appearance in public. Marriage in Jewish religion and the family laws related to the religion earlier held a superior position for the women than men. A husband had the authority to divorce his wife, but a wife did not have the authority to divorce her husband without his consent. Re-marriage was allowed only to husband whose wife had died and whereas, a widow was not allowed to re marry. With respect to marriage and divorce authoruities of women in Judaism, one of the critical practices followed in Judaism is Agunah (Drazin 2014). In this custom, a husband who had left on a jaourney and has not returned for many years, or a man who has gone for a battle and has no news so far, is unable to grant a divorce to his wife. According to the jewish traditions, it is quite necessary for the husband to grant his wife aget or dicorce on his own will. Without a get, remarriage is forbidden for teh wife. Her children would be considered as a mamzer or bastard. In these circumstances, the women tend to suffer in severe conditions. It is considered as one of those sevre punishments for the women where they are left on the mercy of others (Golding 2015). In order to recover these women from such situations, it is considered as a duty or the halakic authority to grant these women the permission to remarry by allowing her the get from her husband. There were various beliefs and cultural differences found between male and female that shows how females were considered as submissive to men. With regards to the religious practices, the women in Judaism were allowed to visit the temple only once in a year. Specific practices were only regarded to the men, whereas, the female were not allowed to perform (Lampert 2013). Economically, the women were dependent on the men. Women did both inherit any property the. If they had no brothers, and they inherited their fathers property, in order to lawfully inherit it, she had to marry someone from the tribe. In Talmudic times, various references and quotes were made it the book of the Jews, that described how respecting , loving and caring for women are the basic duties of men. Manhood does not lie in suppressing the women. There are many examples of women of those times, who have kept a strong influence on their husbands . In medieval ages, women in the Jewish family had three factors that such as religious, economic and the situation of the non Jewish society, which shows that the status of women had changed and had risen than what it was before. People were more liberal in nature in the medieval ages, where they taught the women various religious teachings and reading Torah, all that was prohibited in the past. The orthodox beliefs of the past regarding the religious practices has followed some leniency while being addressed to the women in the society. A new aspect had been introduced in the middle ages, known as synagogue where the women participated in the Jewish practices publically. In synagogues, women were provided with a separate section where they were separated from the men. They were allowed to wear such clothes that would cover their body and do not act as a distraction for men. They had a belief that women tend to raise impure thoughts in men while praying. Marriage was considered as one of the most holy relations of life which laid great emphasis on the holy bond between the partners. Female menstruation cycles were considered as expressions of sins or demonic character, and hence, greater strictures were maintained against this. In present day of life, orthodox Judaism is present that stets the present views and beliefs of the Jewish practice. It claims that men and women are both different in nature who have different duties and responsibilities to perform towards the religious practices. Contradicting to this statement, some orthodox belief holds that there are no differences between the two genders with regard to religious belief, but with regard to the structural, cultural and social aspects of life. Various orthodox Jewish women have been working towards the change in the religious beliefs of the people, that holds a drawback for women of the society. Nowadays, in many orthodox synagogues, women do not maintain a different section that was hidden earlier from the view of men with the fear of being distracted. This has been changed with the sections made in the hall itself, where women and men sit on the two sides separately. In the modern orthodox Judaism, modesty has been followed in the dress code for women. The Jewish members sanctioned separate prayer groups, so that girls are not prohibited from reading the holy books of the religion. Earlier, women were not considered as a witness to some incident that had taken place (Plaskow 2015). This hurt the self respect of the females of the society as their existence were held inappropriate in addressing some facts. Recently such traditions has been subjected to change. Now women could be equally addressed as witness in the eyes of law. The Judaism beliefs of the people are now subjected to change as reform Judaism where the women are given a higher post in the society, than they had earlier. A Reconstructionist group of the Jews has been framed that help the women to raise their position in the society. The prohibitions that were faced by them earlier has been removed like no education, prohibition to reading religious books, prohibited to various social customs etc. Nowadays the Jewish women have changed with the change in the mindset of the people. They re not considered as the one who are impure or are only fit for getting married. Role of Women in Christianity Christian views regarding women vary considerably, and they have varied more in the past two thousand years. There has been a variation in the thoughts and beliefs of the people regarding the women of the society (Lindsey 2015). There has been a gender biased hierarchy in the religion since its evolution. This has been claimed by the Complementarians and traditionalists till the present. In Christianity, a woman has been placed under the mans authority at various places, where they had been excluded from the church leadership and other positions that had been under the authority of only men. According to the Christian Egalitarians, the interpretation of the word of god has been quite different in nature than what has been believed. There has been no differentiation done between the two genders, and that everyone is fair and equal in the eyes of god. They believe that Jesus Christ abolished the discrimination which had been taught earlier, and that there are discrimination in the eyes of god regarding to any secondary discriminations done based on caste, creed, sex, race, slavery, etc (Maitland 2014). On the other hand, Complementarians or the traditionalist have interpreted the Bible in a different manner. They think that equality has been mentioned in the text of god being available to everyone on the day of salvation. According to this group , both in the old and the new testament, there has been a priority noticed of the males over the females (Plaskow 2014). In the early age, from the very start of Christianity, women have been noticed as important members of the movements generated by Jesus Christ. It has been mentioned in the gospels of new testament that Jesus was always found speaking to women openly and publically as his children, in spite of the cultural backwardness in those times. According to the way of preaching s of Jesus, even his followers followed the same rule. Women were considered as an important part of the society. When Paul started to spread the teachings of Jesus, his letters had mentioned the names of women that were of high importance. With the prediction of the art made in those times, it could be seen that women were a part of the ceremonies which took place in those times. They were not unaware of the customs and rejoices in those early Christian time. The Egilatarian and the Complementarian approach differ in a great extent on the context of the beliefs of Christianity (Johnson 2013). Their interpretations are totally different from each other, which thereby, raises a sharp distinction between the beliefs of the people. According to the conservative Christian theology, god has prophesized that men must rule over women. This us seen as a form of compromise that has formed between the two. Yet, this is not the true case, which had been rectified. Its is shown that equality must be maintained between the two and no one has the right to overpower the other or suppress the other. Complementarians are of the belief that Christians must hold men as superior creations as Jesus Christ is subjected as the son of god, and incarnate god as the male human being. Egalitarians argue on this nite, stating that god is not gendered. Hence, there is no biased in terms of gender. The gender biased had been present in the early ages, whereas, in the modern period these customs have reduced. Many gospels in the Bible describe how Jesus has stated women in a respectable status, where suppressing of the women by a male is strictly prohibited. Various Bible versus from Pauls letters have been noticed that has supported the idea of women having a different status than men (Thomas 2015). In the medieval ages, Christian convent helped the women to gain knowledge, education, literacy and learning, thereby playing a more religious roles . Post reformation revolutionist changes have been seen in the religion, which had included political matters within itself, thereby aligning power with the women. According to the modern feminists, there has been some challenging changes in the traditional beliefs of Christianity . These feminists create more liberal and free views that are attached to the theologies related to women of the society. They tend to support LGBT rights and abortion, which was considered as highly punishable and prohibited act earlier (Meyers 2013). With all the facts that has been collected in the ages earlier, the clear text comes in front now, which states that women had played a vital role in Christianity . They gave served the prophets, teachers, led churches at home, spiritual gifts and had died for Jesus Christ just as the other men had done (Shoemaker 2014). Nowadays, Christian women are away from any kind of restrictions or suppressions , that had been laid on them earlier. The Complementarians have been proved wrong in many places, where they had been facing forceful suppressions and humiliated treatment from the male gender. Conclusion Religious beliefs varies among the people and their views different among each other. These variations in beliefs has been noticed in all the factors of life. One of the most crucial and important diversification of views is held upon the gender discrimination among all the religions. Christianity and Judaism are the two ancient religions of the world, where, Christianity holds the highest percentage of believers in the world (Wasserfall 2015). Both in Christianity and Judaism, gender biased nature towards the male gender has been noticed in the early ages, whereas, nothing as such has been mentioned in their holy book. Women had undergone various suppressions and insults under the name of religions. Numerous ideas and beliefs have been subjected by the advocates of the religion in order to show that male gender is dominant over the female gender. The women were prohibited of some acts that were not justified, moreover, they were treated as child bearers. Statements have been framed against them that shows how low the society took female to be. With the change in the thinking, ideologies, theories, and perceptions of the people in both the religions, there had been a considerable change in the status of the women in the society. Women have gained their respect and status up to considerable extent, where they performed various activities that were considered as sin before. Women has been powered with positions, religious platforms, leaderships, respect, knowledge, education and many more transitions from the society which were only a dream earlier. According to Wiesner-Hanks (2014), Christianity and Judaism has some severe theories and ideologies within itself that creates dissimilarities in the society and thereby leading to stark discrimination between the gender . Reference Bach, A., 2013.Women in the Hebrew Bible: A reader. Routledge. Balkin, R.S., Watts, R.E. and Ali, S.R., 2014. A conversation about the intersection of faith, sexual orientation, and gender: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim perspectives.Journal of Counseling Development,92(2), pp.187-193. Brouwer, E., 2013. Jewish American Women in an Orthodox world: The Literary Representation of a Struggle for Selfhood. Desai, S.D., Chugh, D. and Brief, A.P., 2014. The implications of marriage structure for mens workplace attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors toward women.Administrative Science Quarterly,59(2), pp.330-365. Drazin, I., 2014.Mysteries of Judaism. Gefen Publishing House. Golding, N., 2015.Jewish Feminism. Lulu. com. Johnson, P., 2013.History of the Jews. Hachette UK. Lampert, L., 2013.Gender and Jewish Difference from Paul to Shakespeare. University of Pennsylvania Press. Lindsey, L.L., 2015.Gender roles: A sociological perspective. Routledge. Maitland, S., 2014.A Map of the New Country (RLE Women and Religion): Women and Christianity. Routledge. Meyers, C., 2013.Rediscovering Eve: ancient Israelite women in context. Oxford University Press on Demand. Plaskow, J., 2014. Anti-Judaism in Feminist Christian Interpretation. InJudith Plaskow: Feminism, Theology, and Justice(pp. 83-95). Brill. Plaskow, J., 2014. Anti-Judaism in Feminist Christian Interpretation. InJudith Plaskow: Feminism, Theology, and Justice(pp. 83-95). Brill. Plaskow, J., 2015.The Coming of Lilith: Essays on Feminism, Judaism, and Sexual Ethics, 1972-2003. Beacon Press. Shoemaker, R.B., 2014.Gender in English Society 1650-1850: The Emergence of Separate Spheres?. Routledge. Thomas, A., 2015. Introduction. InReading Women in Late Medieval Europe(pp. 1-24). Palgrave Macmillan US. Wasserfall, R. ed., 2015.Women and water: Menstruation in Jewish life and law. Brandeis University Press. Wiesner-Hanks, M., 2014.Christianity and sexuality in the early modern world: Regulating desire, reforming practice. Routledge.
Primate Observation â⬠San Diego Zoo Essay Sample free essay sample
Primates are one of the most interesting mammals on Earth. non merely because of their complex societal constructions. but because they hold so many similar features to worlds. Primates are frequently cited as our closest life relations and on two separate occasions I observed four separate species of Primatess at the San Diego Zoo that can warrant their usage of their physical features and behaviours that may be similar every bit good as different to the other Primatess and ours. The first group of Primatess I chiefly observed were the Bonobos. besides known as the pigmy Pan troglodytess to many. On this juncture a child running about wildly on two legs and looking back as if something or another Bonobo was following him caught my immediate attending. I sat there detecting him for about 5 proceedingss. he wasnââ¬â¢t paying attending at the observation windows as I was the lone individual there at the clip. he was more focussed on looking the dorsum of him suspiciously. He was able to retain his balance and would utilize his left fist level to the land to keep hit organic structure up when looking over this right shoulder. Suddenly he climbs down from a hill country down towards the glass and I noticed something in his right manus. He was keeping a brown babe bunny that seemed to be alive. He observes the mammal in his manus with one manus and looks back once more at another archpriest. which I can merely presume was his female parent or another older Bonobo in the exhibit. The child springs into action utilizing two-footed motive power and his free left manus to swing from the available subdivisions in the land to travel toward the cardinal portion of the exhibit. Following him to the cardinal portion the child is found at the cardinal drop looking back as if the other Bonobo followed him. The bunny was out of sight as his custodies were free at this point pacing in circles. as zookeepers weââ¬â¢re throwing fruits from a higher point towards three other Bonobos non in full position. including the 1 that followed the child. The child so on two legs once more holds the babe bunny. which unluckily is now exanimate and hides it in the shrub so runs over to the zookeepers to recover his bites. Bonobos stand about about 2 to 3 pess tall and weââ¬â¢re really aroused in nature on my visit. High supercilium ridges defined their physical visual aspect. and limbs weââ¬â¢re slender and long. On my observation. their two-footed motive power was present most of the clip when running and walking about detecting. On my peculiar visit I found their behavior really entertaining every bit good as interesting. They have a big mandible and teeth shown tha t couldââ¬â¢ve likely eaten the babe bunny in one bite. but the child merely saw the little mammal as a plaything. I besides found that the child was afraid of the grownup Bonobos happening out about his ââ¬Ëtoyââ¬â¢ and would maintain looking back as if he weââ¬â¢re in problem. I feel that the behaviour exhibited shows the intelligence behind the Bonobos every bit good as their active usage of two-footed motive power. They following group of Primates I observed on this peculiar visit were the Gorillas. On a series of two separate visits I found 3 gorillas on exhibit. On my first visit I observed a silverback male gorilla loosen uping against the glass eating a clump of long foliages scattered around the floor exhibit. There was what I assumed to be a female in the upper portion of the exhibit napping every bit good as a child towards the centre of the exhibit in and out of position. On this visit I focused on the male resting against the glass. Long forearms and big custodies that harmonizing to our text are in portion of utilizing them for metacarpophalangeal joint walking specify his physical motive power. His position is consecutive and sloped in towards the center. He sits unsloped with his legs bored-out as if he weââ¬â¢re sitting cross legged. He takes the foliages one by one hold oning it with his fist and inserts it in his oral cavity. non eating it but as if he has is cleaning it betwe en his dentitions. He seems relaxed and doesnââ¬â¢t wage attending to the crowd of people behind him. After about 10 proceedingss. he is suddenly bothered by the child who is running on his brass knuckss towards the male and runs back up the hill as if he is teasing him. The child does it about 3 mores times within the following 7 proceedingss and perches upon the hill in the same place as the silverback. except he is bended at the articulatio genuss in chunky place. In my 2nd visit. I return to the gorilla exhibit for about 10 proceedingss to see a female unknown if related to the old observation in entry. She is found crouched to the floor with her cubituss on the land and custodies extended out and her butt perched up. Her hind legs are besides dead set and place to assist back up her butt. Three proceedingss upon observation. a silverback male comes running on his brass knuckss from another portion of the exhibit and mounts the female. He places himself on his brass knuckss to supply him support and continues with the sexual intercourse. in which I conclude my observations. Gorillas are the largest group of Primatess and although they are known as being bipedal. similar to worlds and other Primatess. they frequently use knuckle walking to travel about. On observation. they have seems to hold a more robust forepart visual aspect than their hind legs and buttocks. Their braincase is taller than other Primatess and lower lower jaw more protruding than their neb. They besides have human-like ears that are parallel to their eyes and are little in size. They have five figures on their forearms and their hind legs with a long apposable pollex. Their custodies do non hold every bit much fur/hair as the remainder of their organic structure. which can be caused by the metacarpophalangeal joint walking. Gorillas although big in stature and take downing physical visual aspect. weââ¬â¢re really docile in behaviour and moved a batch slower than the other Primatess observed. Bipedal motive power was merely ascertained twice on both visits. and was exercised by the child. The following set of Primatess observed. weââ¬â¢re on my 2nd visit to the San Diego Zoo. These weââ¬â¢re the reddish-orange coloured Primatess known as the Pongo pygmaeuss. The Pongo pygmaeuss shared the exhibit with another species known as Hylobates syndactyluss. On my peculiar visit I observed three active Pongo pygmaeuss out of four that weââ¬â¢re on show. A big male. which I was able to place as Satu. harmonizing to the displayed profiles around the exhibit. He was perched on top of a jungle gym like construction used with steel poles and a series of ropes crisscrossed for them to utilize. He was sitting in a set resting until another Pongo pygmaeus. identified as Janey. springs towards the poles utilizing her custodies to hold on the ropes and poles and swings up to wake him up. She so jumps back down with Satu following her back down. She relaxes near a shelf and is sitting in a dead set position leaned frontward waiting. Satu so goes behind her and returns to pick at her pelt as if heââ¬â¢s preparing her and eating bugs that may be in the pelt. He uses his pollexs and index figure as if heââ¬â¢s squeezing it out and continue to lodge his manus in his oral cavity to cream it off. I observed this behaviour for about 10 proceedingss with Janey leaned frontward during the procedure. I so move to the right of the exhibit where H2O is fluxing outside a stone in a little watercourse. I observe a smaller and younger looking orangutan identified as Karen. Karen was by the window entertaining the crowds through the window. which caught my attending when detecting Satu and Janey. Karen is faced frontward toward the Windowss on both legs playing with a immature miss who is tapping on the glass. She makes faces at her for about 5 proceedingss and I watched her tally over toward the stone with H2O looking at it. She proceeds to set her custodies in the H2O so sticks her lingua out at the streamlined H2O. Her lower lip is pushed down leting H2O to flux through her oral cavity and returns to imbibe the streamlined H2O. She so proceeds to run toward the window where the miss was and entertains the big turning crowd. Orangutans are docile animals similar to the gorillas and have long weaponries that are used for singing and roosting on high subdivisions. which weââ¬â¢re replicated by the steel poles and ropes found in the exhibit. They are much more two-footed than gorillas. They have a forward confronting mandible and do non keep an obvious forehead ridges like the other Primatess. They have larger lips than Primatess and undoubtedly worlds and their behaviour on my visit seemed to be more of a relaxed household community in comparing to the other Primatess. The 4th archpriest observed at the San Diego Zoo were the monkeys found at the orangutan exhibit. On my peculiar visit. I merely observed the two resident Hylobates syndactyluss in the exhibit. I observed them since they co-habituated with the Pongo pygmaeuss and I found it really interesting. Of the two. one was found in one of the cyberspaces in the construction quietly kiping curled up. Another Hylobates syndactylus was found on the land floor of the exhibit eating what seemed to be foliages or flora from the exhibited. It was sitting in an unsloped position with its hind legs set similar to the immature gorilla in the old celebrated observation. She had abnormally long weaponries in comparing to the other Primatess. which is likely used for singing. Covered in all black pelt. the Hylobates syndactylus has stick outing mouth with a philistine ridge to qualify the front face. The pelt on top of the little braincase was parted in the center and has front facing orbitals. Although closed. when the oral cavity opened when eating or ululating. she had a round gap with the dentitions non present. covered by the upper and lower lips. She so proceeded to mount where the other Hylobates syndactylus was swinging with the long weaponries confronting towards the observation windows so proceeded to roost on top of one of the poles slouched for approximately 10 proceedingss. Siamangs are comparatively little to Primatess and are really slender. They have smaller pollexs and the remainder of the figures are significantly longer. When traveling. the Hylobates syndactylus used Quadra pedal motive power to acquire on the pole construction. Their behaviour was unagitated and matched those of the Pongo pygmaeuss which seemed to by why they weââ¬â¢re matched up in the same exhibit. During my observations. all four Primatess exhibited intelligence and behaviour in their ain ways that can be seen similar to worlds every bit good as within their opposite numbers. On my observation. the Bonobos displayed the most activity as every bit good as two-footed motive power to that of worlds. Three of the four Primatess observed displayed human traits such as a household civilization and society where they interacted with each other. The lone archpriest observed that lacked that civilization were the Hylobates syndactyluss. which can be in portion due to the spouse kiping. or that their behaviour features and development were non to par with the much big Primatess. These observations can be compared to our mundane modus operandis and civilizations. because we frequently find ourselves composure and utilize twit or haptic playful behaviours when immature or need attending. I believe that Primatess are really intelligent and can be seen as our closest populating relations ba sed on their size. intelligence. and usage of two-footed motive power. They besides use their custodies to hold on things with truth. nevertheless can besides be overmastering on little mammals such as the instance with the babe bunny. Primates are intelligent and I believe detecting them can assist bridge the spread in the development of Primatess and worlds.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Remote Deposit Capture Project Quality management
Introduction Quality is a fundamental aspect of every project. Organizations achieve sufficiency by ensuring that quality standards are observed. This is ensured by setting quality standards which guide operations and form basis for all quality evaluations. In this project, quality standards are similarly important. The following quality standards are detailed for this project (Lee, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Quality assurance refers to the act of putting in place in all necessary measures to ensure the end product of service successfully achieves its intended purpose. Basically, all sectors have set of measures in place to ensure quality standards are observed. As mentioned earlier, the basis of quality in healthcare includes technical standards, service delivery and meeting client expectations (Cianfrani, West, 2009 ). Management of operations determines level of quality associated with these aspects. Quality is multifaceted and comprehensive. Various experts have identified dimensions which distinguish quality standards within organizations. Experts have successfully recognized several quality dimensions important in quality assurance. Quality assurance activities may address one or more of the listed dimensions (Rose, 2005). These include: availability of amenities, service continuity, efficiency of provided services, interpersonal communication, relations between staff, as well as technical know-how and staff competence (Weber, 2009). These define useful dimensions upon which health teams define and analyze problems within organization and measure the extent to which standards are being attained. Each of the mentioned dimensions is discussed in light of specific programs and is appropriate to service delivery. Quality standards Timely service Proving quality within reasonable time is of nece ssity. Reasonable time in this context means that the time that those people need the services are is adequately met and when this is not possible they are duly informed in advance to ensure they are not inconvenienced. Additionally, time should be provided within the shortest time possibleAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Service availability More often than, as time goes by, client becomes more reliant on the services and as such the services should always be available. To meet this requirement, the quality is desired that the service is available 24/7, without unnecessary interruptions. Meeting specification This is an important quality standard aimed at ensuring that the specifications requirements set by clients are observed. All work should be evaluated at completion to check if they meeting the specifications of the clients. Effectiveness This dimension cannot be ignor ed within service delivery. Overall quality is largely dependent on service delivery as well as norm effectiveness. Basically it address the question, ââ¬Å"Does service delivery procedure if correctly applied result into desirable outcome?â⬠and is the delivery approach the most technologically appropriate. Effectiveness issues form the pillars upon which managers/administrators reforms and adapt them to locally applicable conditions. It involves comparison of potential benefits to detriments. For instance how effectively will changing the machines used impact on service delivery. Interpersonal Relations Interpersonal relationââ¬â¢s dimension defines the interaction between service providers, clients, as well as other stakeholders. Good relations are based on trust and credibility which arise from demonstration of respect, information confidentiality, and responsiveness to client needs, and empathy (Paul, 1998). Effective listening and communication should be encouraged as a way of bridging rapport barriers. Clients who are treated inhumanely during their visits are likely to desist from visiting the facility or even seek services from the place. Continuity Continuity dimensions refer to the receipt of a complete range of services by patients without unnecessary interruption or cessations. There is need for service provision in a continuous manner and clients should have routine access to service.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Quality Testing The dimensions listed as well as others which may not have been highlighted can only be achieved if quality testing is regularly run. Testing can take two forms including client interviews and quantitative analysis. Client response via interviews is a reliable means of accessing service delivery (Cianfrani, West, 2009). Similarly, quantitative analysis off ers an avenue for factual evaluation of the level to which quality standards are being observed. Pareto analysis is used in evaluation of problems within this case study (see chart below). Given that quality is an important factor in both successfulness and longevity of organizations, it is important that each organization develops quality control tools. Pareto analysis is one such tool and is based on 80/20 rule originally developed by Vilifredo Pareto, who noticed that only 20% of the population holds 80% of the societyââ¬â¢s wealth. Pareto analysis basically asserts 80% of the quality issues with services or products are often caused by only 20% of the 20% of the problems in services and goods. Logically it is necessary to separate the ââ¬Ëcrucial fewââ¬â¢ issues from the many that are trivial. This means that the few issues that are crucial to functioning can be solved to hugely benefit the end service quality. Upon problem identification, the 20% which cause 80% of th e problem can be eliminated or remedied appropriately and hence service quality efficiency is regained. Conclusion In conclusion it is important to note that most of the issues arise from allowing multiple scanning checks at once and hence this is the lead problem to be addressed.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Pareto has helped in identification of the problems which should be prioritized in addressing quality issues within the organization. It is basically a reinstatement of the importance of adopting quality tools in managing quality within organizations. References Cianfrani, C. A. West, J. E. (2009). Cracking the Case of ISO 9001:2008 for Service: A Simple Guide to Implementing Quality Management to Service Organizations (2nd Ed.). Milwaukee: American Society for Quality. pp. 5-7 Lee, V. (2010). Quality Management. Pharmaceutical Research Journal, 17(3), pp. 251 -262. Paul, H. S. (December 1998). ââ¬Å"Sales Process Engineering: An Emerging Quality Applicationâ⬠. Quality Progress, 59ââ¬â63. Rose, K. H. (2005). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: J. Ross Publishing. p. 41. Weber, H. (2009). Roots causes of quality related malpractices. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 38(3), 561 -572. This essay on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management was written and submitted by user Richard Morton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Writing Essays With Images
Writing Essays With ImagesA sample essay with images is one of the best tools to write an essay and it really is very easy to use. You don't have to write a lot of text to make sure you know what you are writing about or that you really have an idea of what you are trying to say. All you have to do is have an image, a picture that is so strong that it says the whole story and all you have to do is put a little accent on it.This will really be a great tool for people who are just starting to write an essay and for those who are already doing it but haven't really gotten the hang of it yet. It doesn't matter how experienced you are, you will always benefit from a little bit of practice to see what it feels like to use a different approach to writing and that is what you will get from a sample essay with images.I remember when I first started to write a whole bunch of essays, not just essays on college subjects but all sorts of essays on all sorts of subjects. The biggest challenge that I was having was trying to think of what topic to write on and what kind of writing style to use. I don't know if I'm supposed to use direct statements to describe the event or if I should write something a little more indirect and just talk about the emotions and feelings that I had at the time.There were so many things that I had to consider and make a final decision and then work from there. I would go back and forth between using direct statements and that kind of non-narrative style and as soon as I became accustomed to those, I was able to begin writing more essays using that style and never looked back. That is what you will do too, if you stick with a lot of practice and get a lot of practice, because your writing style is going to evolve over time.Having a good image in your essay or even a good photo to start offwith is such a big part of this. When you are just getting started with essays and you have no idea what you are talking about, you can use a photo or you can eve n draw something, just to give you some ideas to work with. If you need help with creating an image or something to start off with, you can look online and find lots of resources for your essay topics and the pictures that you need.If you take the time to write a sample essay with images, it is going to be a lot easier for you and will give you ideas and examples for your own essay to follow. You don't have to copy anything from this example, you can add your own pieces and your own ideas. When you use a sample essay with images, you will find that you will be able to write about almost anything you want and that will make your writing style unique.The most important thing is to get some practice and don't worry about being perfect. This is not a test or a competition and you can use the sample as a stepping stone for what you are going to write. All you have to do is move along and use a different approach and a different style and it won't take you long to get used to it and you w ill be able to write any kind of essay with pictures that you want.Writing a successful essay with images is one of the best ways to learn to do it right. Using an example is going to help you remember things and to get a feel for how to move forward and move from one part of the essay to another.
Monday, March 16, 2020
how to manufacture the d enantiomer of phenylaminopropane and 34methylenedioxymethphenylaminopropane essays
how to manufacture the d enantiomer of phenylaminopropane and 34methylenedioxymethphenylaminopropane essays Re: DETAILED METHODS for NON-CHEMISTS METHamphetamine PRECURSS CLEANING/wkUP Ozbee friends..........edited by Placebo * Various jars, glass vessels, beakers etc * A strainer that will fit your filters nicely, so that you get better surface area then a funnel * Hot plate, no open flames, only heat elements * Seperaty funnel, similar, tube to siphon -Pills containing psuedo-ephedrine HCl ephedrine HCl. -NaOH/Sodium Hydroxide/caustic soda/strong base/lye. -Epsom salts that have been baked in oven 200c f an hour to dry. If pills have red coating, put in jar, with acetone, shake until red coating is dissolved then continue as Step 1: First, put your pills in a jar. Add methanol about double the volume of the pills. Cap the jar shake till they break apart. Leave to sit f a few hours shaking every 1/2 hour. Let settle into 2 nice layers then siphon decant off top layer. No need to get it all as we will do this 2 me times to be sure get all that pseudo. step 2: Once you have done it 3 times have the 3 lots of methanol from above, put them together You want to get it real cold, near freezing then filter it thru a very fine filter, this may take some time if you don't have a vacuum filtration setup but thats ok, we aint in a hurry. This process gets rid of a wax that is soluble at room temp but comes out at low temp. step 3:***e*** : This step is necessary only speeds things up. After the chilled filter, we will reduce the volume of methanol/pseudo solution. So, with good ventilation a fan blowing over pot, just reduce the volume of methanol, but till you see crystals anything. Just reduce it to a manageable amount, we just want a saturated solution, you'll ice it thicken a bit. Stop, take it off. step 4: Now you want to pour a thin film of this methanol/psuedo solution out on a mirr glass table f fast evapation, you could just leave it laying around a couple...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Study of Change Management in Coca Cola
A Study of Change Management in Coca Cola Introduction According to a Greek philosopher Heraclitus ââ¬Å"there is nothing permanent than changeâ⬠. He believed that change is the core of universe. This quote describes the importance of managing change in human as well as organizational life. A structured approach to transfer organization, its people and processes from current state to a desired future state is called change management. This process gives employees the ability to accept changes in the existing environment of the business. Change can be of different type for example, change in technology, operations or strategies etc. company needs to implement individual strategies to cope with each type of change. Organizations need to change and adopt dynamic survival strategies to stay alive in uncertain political, social and economic environment (Hiatt and Creasy, 2003). All environmental factors present in the nature experience change on continuous basis. Human nature resists change, so managing that resistance req uires well planned change management strategies. This report is aimed at describing the importance of change management for organization its motives and objectives, change management processes, how company can involve all the stakeholders for successful implantation of change management and the strategies that an organization can adopt to implement the successful change. Reasons for adopting change Organizations need change for the following reasons: To respond to the rapidly changing environment To improve the overall performance of the company To rapidly respond to the customersââ¬â¢ demands To improve the effectiveness and efficiency To increase the employee performance To create the best practices inside the organization and setting standards for the industry To improve profitability and return on overall investment Change management is needed for organizational survival. So the company should adopt to change management techniques in order to maintain its worth in the industr y. Importance of change management In a study 327 project managers had responded to the question that ââ¬Å"if you had a chance to do it again, what would you do differently?â⬠Most of them responded that we will implement an effective change management program planned way before starting the project. This study highlights the importance of change management in an organizational perspective. Change management moderates the risks that can cause failure (Jeff and Creasey, 2003). The change management process Change management is being studied by the philosophers, researchers and business experts for many years. A number of change management theories, approaches and philosophies are developed by psychologists and management professionals to implement successful change in the organization (Paton and MacCalman, 2008). There are three phases of change management i.e. preparing for change, managing change and reinforcing change. Preparation for change phase includes assessment of cha nge capabilities and capacity and developing a strategy that fit to those capabilities. Second phase i.e. ââ¬Å"managing changeâ⬠phase includes processes like planning and implementation of strategies made in the first phase. Last phase which is the reinforcement of change includes the processes like collection and analyzing of feedback data, finding out gaps and coping with determined degree of resistance from inside and outside the organization and taking corrective actions to successfully conclude the change management process (change management learning center, 1996-2011).
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Proposal Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Proposal Assignment - Essay Example The proposal is worth more research to draw a line between the 2 worlds. In this proposal, I will be in support of the Contemporary Reality. The vital question in preparing this research is; is the present world heading to the cyber world in the near or far future? What is cyber world and where is it based? The answer to the first question is no. The Cyber world is a form of entertainment or literature of science fiction in the setting of the near future. It focuses on the low life and high technology. It is characterized by advanced science like cybernetics and information technology (Campbell, 142). This goes hand in hand with radical change in the social order and a breakdown degree. This is not the case in the contemporary world of reality where everything is normally in the present form. In the real world, technology is not us updated as is put in cyber world and life is just what is expected in the typical world. The concept of having advanced science is reachable in the far future or in some instances might not be attainable. The technology is expected to grow at run of the mill rate in contrast with the one in th e cyber world. There are a few challenges I will expect to get while researching my work. First, Cyber world tends to focus on conflict among the mega corporations, hackers and artificial intelligences. This is based in the setting of near-future instead of far-future (Campbell, 157). This is something that is at present or is expected to happen soon in some parts of the world. Thus, I might have a hard time developing an excellent argument on this concept. The setting of cyber world is also in a level where the service sector is generating more wealth in comparison to the manufacturing sector. This is something that has happened in the developed countries like Japan making it difficult to establish a good
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Synthetic Rubber Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Synthetic Rubber - Lab Report Example During polymerization the double bonds of the isoprene monomers give way to single bonds which will lead to further increase in length of product chain. Butyl rubber-also known as polyisobutylene (C4H8)-is a synthetic rubber and is produced by polymerization of about 98% of isobutylene with about 2% of isoprene (Wikipedia, 2006) using BF3, H2O, CH2CL2 as reaction activators under -78C temperature. e.g Similarities and Differencies: In both natural and synthetic rubbers production, the monomers can be mixed in various desirable proportions to achieve a wider range of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties through the use additive. The formation of natural and synthetic rubbers are three step Free radical eliminations and substitutions reactions. Both Natural and synthetic rubber reactions require protectants against deterioration during the coagulation and drying (CIWMB). 2. In its natural form rubber is too soft to be used for any useful purposes.Natural rubbers tends to be sticky and soft at high temperatures; while at low temperatures they are brittle and stiff, making them difficult to process. This is due to a high degree of entropy. Therefore, its properties were improved using special processing techniques. During vulcanization, or curing, of rubber, individual polymer molecules are linked to other polymer molecules by polysulphide
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