Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Non Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Non - Research Paper Example Murals are regarded s the earliest art forms as illustrated by cave paintings of hunting scenes by cave men and those found in Egyptian and Mayan pyramids. Murals can be created using material as witnessed in paintings on cave walls that may have used plant extracts, animal oil to modern synthetic oil or water based paints and pigments. Murals can also be create through the incorporation of other artistic techniques including collage and mosaic where these are embossed onto a wall or permanent surface to create one whole image or representation. This paper seeks to discuss mural art by Ta-Coumba Arken by analysing and offering detailed description of one of his works titled Alum Hungi-I 1991. Ta-Coumba Aiken is a renowned public works art painter whose base of operations is located in Minnesota. Some of his notable works of art in the city include the Jax/Gillette Children’s Hospital mural, the north side’s Pilot City murals project and the Minneapolis Central Library t ile fireplace (Millet 110). A trademark characteristic of Ta-Coumba’s artwork is the resulting variety of contrasting colors and tone that gives his works of art an eye-catching property. This is his style and perspective that is incorporated into his murals, which he starts creating from a white and black outline inwards giving the outline figures ‘meat’ or substance. The outlines set the ground for his process of shape building and coloration, which he describes as ‘spirit writing’. Murals created by Ta-Coumba are characterized by the usage of repeating rhythm patterns through imagery as stylistic devise of bringing out the resultant artistic effect of his art. The artist attributes the inspiration behind his artwork to African masks and dance whose aspects, quality and substance he tries to replicate and bring to life in his paintings. The Alum Hungi-I 1991 by Ta-Coumba is a canvas painting illustrating 9 African or dark skinned figures involved i n various stages activity ranging from drum and flute playing, fishing, spear throwing and dance. This is consistent with Ta-Cuomba’s line of inspiration that comes from African dance and music. The outline of the painting is made out of a black background to achieve the maximum degree of contrast that is also characteristic with Ta-Coumba’s work. The use of color is unlimited, and the level of expression in the figures is accentuated by the rhythm that seems to come from the various poses of the figures in the painting. A notable aspect about the painting is the use of a black outline for each shape a quality that can also be seen in the frame that holds the artwork. Each figure in the artwork is made-up of more than one color a style that gives the painting a warm contrast and rhythm, which works to bring out the theme of the painting. The use of a range of bright colors makes the art work very eye catching. The use of color the blue is used in various shades and int ensities, an aspect that can be construed to represent the artist’s perspective on happiness and joy. The theme of music and dance is brought by the depiction of drums and dancing figures playing the musical instruments. The use of more than one color in the background makes the painting look abstract and distracting to the viewer, which adds to eye-catching quality. The empty spaces in the painting

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